Class Schedule Search Tool

Start by clicking the credit or non-credit tab below.

Spring 2025 registration is available now. Check out upcoming classes using the search tool. When ready to register: visit our how to register page. Additional how-to notes and resources are below the tabbed box.

Registration Notes

You can search with the Class Schedule tool by keyword, term, part of term, such as a minimester, campus location, time of day, instructor, and other variables. Continuing education courses are non-credit, so be sure to select that tab if you want to take courses without receiving college credit.

LATE COURSE ADDITIONS: Payment is due on the day you register during the late add period. Students should be aware that they are responsible for meeting instructor requirements for all courses. Adding a class late, does not preclude students from completing assignments and attendance required beginning the first day of class.

HONORS STUDENTS: Please enter the word "Honors" in the Keyword Search field to view a list of current Honors courses being offered this term.

CORE COURSE SYLLABUS: If you are taking a general education class listed on the Core Course list, the syllabus will be available 45 days before the first day of class. View how to download the syllabus from the Class Schedule.

Registration Resources

Use the links below to view information about common topics related to registration. If you have questions or need assistance with course registration, reach out to your academic advisor.